Compania de Informatica Aplicata


  • Reprezentarea spațio – temporală a datelor statistice privind propagarea unei pandemii

    Conținutul prezentării:
    • importarea seriilor statistice spațio – temporale
    • reprezentarea grafică a datelor statistice geografice
    • reprezentarea grafică a seriilor statistice temporale

  • Modelul compartimental SEIR (Susceptible Exposed Infectious Recovered) pentru modelarea matematică a modului de răspândire a bolilor în cazul unei epidemii

    Conținutul prezentării:
    • prezentarea generală a modelului SEIR pentru descrierea dinamicii epidemiilor;
    • stabilirea ecuațiilor diferențiale și definirea parametrilor care modelează extinderea unei
    epidemii în populație;
    • rezolvarea sistemului de ecuații diferențiale liniare cu ajutorul funcției NDSolve din
    pachetul informatic Wolfram Mathematica;
    • reprezentarea grafică a funcțiilor soluție a sistemului de ecuații diferențiale;

  • eHealth: Towards a Healthcare Service-Oriented Boundary- Less Infrastructure

    Mircea RUSU1,*, Gavril SAPLACAN1, Gheorghe SEBESTYEN2, Nicolae TODOR3,
    Lorand KRUCZ2, Cristian LELUTIU2

    1 Company for Applied Informatics, 107 Gh. Bilaşcu Str., 400489 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
    2 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 28 Memorandumului Str., 400114 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
    3 Departament of Biostatistics and Informatics, Cancer Institute “Ion Chiricuţa”, 34-36 Gh. Bilaşcu Str., 400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
    * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; Tel: +4-0264-595477, Fax: +4-0264-592337.
    Received: 10 August 2010 /Accepted: 1 September 2010/ Published online: 30 September 2010.


  • Transformation optics inspired lenses for sub-wavelength imaging

    M. Giloan, R. Gutt and G. Saplacan
    1. Company for Applied Informatics, Republicii nr. 107, 400489 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
    Abstract: Two transformation-optics inspired flat lenses are used to build up an optical system capable to transpose an area surrounding the object focal point in a magnified area surrounding the image focal point.
    Transformation-optics approach enabled the design of anisotropic and inhomogeneous media, capable to manipulate wave paths and wave vectors [1-3]. Using specific coordinate transformations as proposed in [1], we design an optical imaging system based on two transformation-optics inspired flat lenses which provides sub-wavelength resolution. The key features of such a converging lens is that it provides a perfect convergence into its focal point of a light beam parallel to its optical axis and captures high spatial frequencies waves without converting them in evanescent waves.
    A converging lens of thickness d and focal distance φ embedded in an isotropic and homogeneous medium having the same relative permittivity and permeability, ε=μ=m, is generated by the following transformation function z = h(x, y) z of the z-coordinate, with h(x, y) = m[δ−γ (φ2+x2+ y2 )1/2], where δ=1+φ/d and γ=1/d. The general outline of the transformed space is represented in Figure 1(a), in which the curved lines represent the transformed z-coordinate and the red area denotes a compression of the space with m = 4/3 and the blue area denote a dilation of the space for m = 1/3.

  • Sub-wavelength imaging by space dilation

    Mircea Giloan and Robert Gutt
    Company for Applied Informatics, Republicii nr. 107, 400489 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    (Dated: August 15, 2018)
    Two transformation-optics inspired at lenses are used to build up an optical system capable to
    transpose an area surrounding the object focal point in a magnied area surrounding the image focal
    point. The object and image focal points of the system are placed in the free space and respectively
    a dilated space having a sub-unitary relative permittivity and permeability. The anisotropic and
    inhomogeneous media constituting the lenses enable the processing of the high spatial frequencies
    waves without converting them in evanescent waves. Numerical simulations show the capability of
    the proposed device to perform magnied discernible images of the sub-wavelength details.

  • Compania de informatica Aplicata

    Compania de Informatică Aplicată S.A. poate fi considerat cel mai vechi start-up IT din Cluj.
    Cei 50 de ani de activitate, pe care compania îi va aniversa pe 1 februarie 2019, încep cu
    înfiinţarea la Cluj, în 1969, a Centrului Teritorial de Calcul Electronic, având ca obiect de
    activitate analiza de sisteme, proiectarea de aplicații, pregătirea cadrelor în informatică,
    coordonarea şi îndrumarea metodologică în teritoriu.